
We are committed to making the information on this site available to the widest possible audience. The site is designed to work properly with assistive technologies, like screen readers, and also to allow you to customise its appearance without making it harder to use.

Increasing the font size

There are various ways to alter the font size displayed by your browser:

  • In most browsers you can press Ctrl and + or - to alter the display.
    Ctrl and 0 or * usually resets the default font size. 
  • Alternatively, pressing Alt then V usually activates the browser's 'View' menu, which normally contains options for altering the text size.


Pages on this site use valid HTML and CSS, as defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Any problems

If you have a problem accessing these or any other information on the site, please contact us and we will try to provide the information in an appropriate format.