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Continue shopping in: Foyer | NoIR Popular Framed Filters | View basket / Checkout |
Filter Number: 40
Lens Colour: Amber
Visible Light Transmission: 18%
Protection: Ultraviolet, Blue Blocker (100%)
Macular Degeneration
Diabetic Retinopathy
Each filter colour has a Visible Light Transmission (VLT) figure, which indicates the percentage of light passing through the filter. A low value will block more light from entering the eye; a high value allows more light into the eye. You should avoid a VLT% that is too dark for your needs for safety reasons.
The amber filter is a popular colour for light sensitivity. It offers UV and blue light protection and can help to reduce glare.
Framed styles come in a number of different ranges. Fit overs are intended to be used over prescription spectacles. Non fit-over and wraparound frames are intended to be used without prescription spectacles.
Please note: Frame images are shown in greyscale, please refer to the colour swatch above as a guide to the tint of these filters.