There is a lot of confusion and mystery about what magnifiers can and cannot do. The most common questions that we are asked are: Which magnifier is best for which eye condition? Can I buy a big powerful magnifier to cover the whole page? What is the strongest magnifier available? This section will attempt to answer these questions.

There are many types of magnifiers [Low Vision Aids] available. They all have their advantages and disadvantages, therefore it is important that potential users understand and appreciate the potentials and limitations of the full range available. 

"Who can benefit from Low Vision Aids (LVAs)?"
Essentially anyone who can read odd letters of the banner headlines in a newspaper has the potential for using an LVA.

"Which LVA is best for which eye condition?"
In general there is no one type of LVA more suited to a particular eye condition than another. The activity, which the individual wants to do, is usually more important than the condition. There are one or two exceptions to this rule, which will be discussed in later sections.

"Can I buy a big powerful magnifier?"
No. It is not possible to obtain a large powerful magnifier of any type. The truth is that the more powerful the lens the smaller it will be and the closer it will need to be placed to the page. The idea of a large powerful magnifier is unfortunately a fantasy.

"What is the most powerful magnifier I can buy?"
30x is about the limit for optical devices. However one shouldn't become pre-occupied with power - often people are found using far too much magnification and then complaining that they can only see three or four letters at a time. There are many other considerations to bear in mind in addition to the power of the lens, for example lighting, the working distance, the type of LVA to be used for specific tasks, as well as how you look through the lens. These other important factors will be explored on later pages.